Friday, July 2, 2010


Does anyone feel depressed on seeing a sunset?
Not me! I have been thinking about sunsets for some time. Give me a place to watch the sun set every day and I’ll be the happiest. Unfortunately, it’s not possible each evening. So whenever I get a chance to watch a sun set, I make the most of it.
What does the sight of the setting sun do to me? It makes me feel free, elevates me, and makes me think about the beauty of nature and the myriad hues on the sky as the sun goes down the horizon.
If it’s a clear sky, I enjoy watching the sun in its mellow state where it doesn’t make me squint my eyes; I can see it getting bigger as it reaches the horizon. This is when I fall in love with the sun. I can hardly take my eyes off as I know it would go down in no time, I am left with just the afterglow that is reflected on the sky and the clouds. This is a most beautiful part.
It leaves me in twilight. The change of colours and clouds is unimaginably stunning. This moment is not coming back again and the next sunset is not going to be the same. I don’t think any painter has ever been able to get it right on canvas. Even when I try to capture that in my camera, I am not satisfied.
The question of feeling depressed when seeing the sun set popped up in my mind when one of my friends told me that it depressed him so much that he felt as if his life was going to end with the sun set. And from that time, I have watched sunsets and tried to see and analyze what is so depressing about it.
It’s been giving me immense pleasure every time I watch the setting sun. Every sunset is different, beautiful and so fulfilling. I find myself at peace with the world. The sun, which is soft in the morning, burning during day, mellows down at the time it has to say bye. It provides us with so much to think about, without expecting anything in return.
For me, the sunset symbolizes the end of a wonderful day and the hope of having a wonderful night to refresh myself and prepare for another wonderful day to look forward to.
Yesterday the sunset occurred amidst dark, rain-bearing clouds. I’m looking forward to another such elevating, spiritual experience.